A movie that will make you hug your girlfriend, boyfriend or family member in the moments of terror of this great movie. It is one of my favorite movies, when you want to see a horror movie this is the right one. This movie was directed by Victor Salva in 2001, with very creepy scenes that will make you stand up from the scare. The movie stars two brothers Trish Jenner and Derry who are about to cross the United States by car.


Trish Jenner and her brother Darry drive across the U.S. on a very boring trip that is accompanied by their bickering. Suddenly in the middle of nowhere they discover an abandoned church covered by many crows and see a mysterious character throwing a lump into a sewer. The brothers, upon seeing this, become very frightened and immediately begin to flee. Although his sister did not want to return, Darry insisted that they should go back to investigate, in case one of the corpses was still alive.

While in the sewer, Darry asked his sister to hold him by his feet while Darry looked into the pipe. At that moment Darry was surprised by some rats and this caused Trish to be unable to grab her brother causing him to fall down the pipe. When Darry got up he found a dying boy with a huge stitch in his torso, at this point Darry tried to find a way out. From this moment on, the Creeper began a chase of the brothers Trish Jenner and Darry.

Here you have the trailer 


This is a very good movie that horror lovers love from the scenery, the background music, the characters and the actors, all this makes the movie makes you feel what the actors feel at that moment or at least that's how I felt. I can say that it is one of my favorite movies since it is the first horror movie I saw and that makes my score go up even higher. My score is a 9 out of 10.


I recommend this movie to all people who like horror, but also to people who don't like it, because it is a movie that keeps you waiting for what will happen next. Also this is a movie where there are no scenes of a lot of blood or very explicit scenes, it is a horror movie that has all the elements that it does not need this kind of scenes. Don't waste your free time and watch this movie that will keep you entertained for a while.

What are you waiting for to enjoy a good movie? 


Fandom. (s.f.). Fandom. Obtained from



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