Laura moves with her family to the orphanage where she grew up as a child. Her purpose is to open a residence for handicapped children, but her son disappears and her plans fade away. Several months after the disappearance, Laura hears the voices of spirits and becomes convinced that they can help her find her son.


As a little girl, Laura once spent many happy hours of play with her fellow orphans in front of the sprawling, gothic-style house that was their home. Several decades later, she returns to the now-empty building with warm memories in her heart and a dream of transforming the place into a haven for special needs kids.Her husband, Carlos, is happy to lend his doctoring skills to the endeavor, but their young son, Simón, isn’t so enthusiastic.The one-time orphanage scares him and makes his two imaginary friends, Pepe and Watson, very uncomfortable. Laura tries to sweep away her son’s fears and his need for invisible companionship by introducing him to some of her favorite childhood places, including a sea-washed cave that she and the other kids used to explore during low tide.

However, when Laura gives Simón a moment to examine the dark grotto on his own, he discovers something more than seashells. She seeks out her son and finds him conversing with a new imaginary friend named Tomás. When Simón draws a crayon portrait of the scarecrow mask-wearing Tomás and five more new ghostly friends, Laura becomes concerned. And when she’s attacked by a flesh-and-blood Tomás, and Simón mysteriously disappears, Laura becomes frantic. Even after the authorities give up the search for the boy and encourage her to move on, an emotionally stretched Laura doggedly seeks the truth and slowly pieces together clues about the orphanage and its horrid past. It’s a past filled with terrors that she was unknowingly a part of and must face once again.

Here you have the trailer 


The Orphanage is not a common horror movie, maybe the viewers expected to see more scenes where there is real terror but this is not the case. This film directed by Guillermo del toro takes us into a new and sad world where all the stereotypical horror varies and at the end it hits you with a blow that hurts, and it hurts a lot, the truth is that I did not expect an ending like that. Something very important is how all the events are triggered and in an ending that leaves you breathless. A low point of the film are all the events that happen throughout the plot that are not developed very well and are there for simple filler, which can saturate the viewer. I give it a 9/10.


This movie is in the top five of my favorite horror movies, I think this movie is very complete, its plot is very good, also the sound effects are very good, I totally recommend it, you have to see it, because you will not regret it. It's one of those movies that always leave you wanting to see more, because everything surrounding this movie is great.

Do you prefer to watch a horror movie with the lights on or off?


Pluggedin. (s.f.). Focus on the family´s Pluggedin . Obtained from


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